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Thursday, 23 June 2011

(After Lennon and McCartney)

I read Heat magazine oh boy
About a lucky group who made the grade
And though it made me rather mad
Well I just had to laugh
...I saw their photograph
They spruced their hair up with some mousse
They hoped it masked their awful singing voice
A crowd of people booed away
I kicked the TV in
Now I need a new one as the old one’s sitting in the bin!
I saw a film today oh boy
Called how to lose friends ...blah de blah de blah
It starred that bloke called Simon Pegg
Him from “Shaun of the Dead”
He was also in a film with someone who was once in “Friends”
I’ve turned the Tee Vee o-o-o-o-on
Woke up, switched off my phone
Let the dog chew on a bone
Made the sandwiches and fed my son
Made a brew, and put the radio on
Made a flask and had a wee
Clothes are on at eight four-three
Got the bus and went and had a doze
Snored right through my stupid fat wide nose
Aah ah ah ah!  Ah ah aaaah!  Ah ah aaaaaah!
I saw the Star today oh boy
Just poxy stories ‘bout celebrities
There were no news stories inside
Just girls in lingerie
Why am I complaining what the hell is going wrong with me?
I’d like to waaaaaatch Teeeeeeee Veeeeeeeee!
Thank you.  Thank you, so much.  You’re too kind!,1210530804,3/stock-photo-word-clippings-from-magazine-background-12471568.jpg

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