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Wednesday, 27 July 2011

In life how we feel about progress tends to define us as human beings, but generally there are three stages in mankind’s evolution with progress

1.  We make something

2.  We make that same thing better.

3.  We then proceed to whinge about it ...FOREVER!
...And in the three clips below I think I have proven that this is the case, so no jazzy arguments or anything just a quite show and tell with one of my favourite ever pieces of classical music before my journey to Brighton later today.
  1. We make something.  Pachelbel’s Canon.  A fantastic bit of music that seems to encapsulate triumph and disaster at the same time.

  1. Canon Rock.  Mattrach’s version and my favourite too.

  1. Rob Paravonian’s Pachelbel rant.  Nuff said.
    Thanks for listening.

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